On March 27, a new Korean BL drama titled Jazz For Two premiered. The story is an adaptation of a popular webtoon on Lezhin Comics. The synopsis of the first episode is one day, when Tae Yi (Ji Ho Geun), a high school student, hears his deceased brother’s favorite song and believes it’s him playing it in the school’s music room. But it turns out that Se Heon (Kim Jin Kwon), the new transfer student, is playing the song on the piano instead. Enraged, Tae Yi threatens him never to play that specific piano again, starting Their turbulent relationship over jazz music. Overall, the story follows the struggles and pressures of four high school students attending Wooyeon Arts School. Ultimately, they discover their true selves and learn to grow up through love and music.
With the premiere of this new program, Omega X’s Hangyeom made his acting debut. OMEGA X is an 11-piece K-Pop ensemble that debuted in 2021 under IPQ. Hangyeom is a crucial member, producing, composing, writing, and singing his and the group’s songs.
Hangyeom plays Suh Do-Yoon, an equally skillful drummer and a close friend of the main character, Tae Yi. Although it seems his entire personality is connected to his drumsticks, Suh Do-Yoon is an optimistic and playful person who bears the burden of a secret crush.
Hangyeom talks about his experience on set as a first-time actor, “I was a bit nervous and scared to try acting for the first time, but I was able to film with great confidence and joy, thanks to all the help from Director Song Su-Lim, staff members, and my colleague actors. You’ll be able to witness a new side of me in <Jazz for Two>, so please send a lot of love and support.”
The drama is produced by MODT Station and directed by Song Su-Lim, the same people who made the popular K-BL, A Shoulder To Cry On, for which OMEGA X members starred, composed, and performed three original soundtracks. Members of Omega X Hangyeom and Jaehan also take part in making and singing the original soundtrack for Jazz for Two.
Jazz for Two is an endearing BL drama with only eight 30-minute episodes. It is a must-watch, and The drama is available to watch now on iQIYI in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Spain, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand.
Don’t forget to support Omega X and cheer Hangyeom on with his actorial debut!
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Featured Image Credit: COURTESY OF IPQ